As a direct sales consultant you might already be holding online facebook parties for your business or you might be wondering where to even begin with holding an online party. Β In this post, Iβm sharing 4 simple tips that will help you improve your direct sales online facebook parties for yourself, your hosts, your guests & your results! Itβs all about the experience! Think about how you can make your online parties a better experience for everyone involved β the host, the guests and ...
Do you have a lead magnet for your business? How well is it working to bring in and convert customers, hosts and team members? If you aren’t sure what a lead magnet is or how to create an effective one, here are a few tips & 50 different lead magnet ideas. A lead magnet is some kind of high-value resource that you offer for free to grow your email / customer list and attract more of your idea customers. This could be a printable or digital guide, an eBook, an online class or webinar, ...
It can be scary to put yourself out there and in front of an unknown number of people, especially on social media. The success of your business depends on you being visible and sharing what you have to offer. Remember you are not marketing, you are not selling. You are simply sharing information, showcasing who you are and the solutions and services you offer and letting others decide if it’s right for them. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or let the fear get to you. Show ...
Are you wondering if there’s even a point to setting goals and creating plans for your life & business? I’m here to tell you that there absolutely is & here’s why… I was having a conversation with a friend last week & she said she wasn’t sure she wanted to set any goals or make plans for the new year. I can understand how she could feel that way. I think we can all agree that 2020 did not turn out like any of us planned. I don’t know about ...
When I joined my direct sales biz, I remember being told to write a list of 100 people & to share my business with “F.R.A.N.K.”. (friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, your kid’s friends parents). Were you ever told that too? Or to share with anyone & everyone who breathes (or eats, cooks, wears makeup, jewelry, etc… The problem is that “FRANK”, and everyone on the planet, is NOT your ideal customer, host or team member. (And ...
One productivity habit that has made a big difference in my life & business is doing a weekly review & prep. On Sundays, I review my previous week to see what went well, where I struggled, celebrate the progress made, determine what I need to prioritize for the upcoming week & draft my weekly schedule. π Here’s a breakdown of what I do: 1οΈβ£ First, I review the past week – what did I make progress on, what did I not complete that needs to be ...
Do you ever think that marketing your business is only difficult for you & everyone else has some special quality that makes it easier for them? I’m here to tell you that marketing, sharing our business, putting ourselves out there is nerve-wrecking for almost all of us! (And I’m going to share some tips on how to overcome these fears.) In fact, I just sent an email out to my list about my black friday special this afternoon & before I hit send and for about 30 minutes ...
Do you ever find yourself working, working, working but not seeming to make much progress towards your goals? π€· I did that for a lot of years until I learned how to focus more on the actual activities that moved my business forward & that I enjoyed the most instead of every little idea and avenue available. Here are a few things you can do to help get clear on what activities are the right ones for you & do more of what will move you forward faster: 1. Get Clear on your ...
π If you’re posting on social media all the time about your biz & wondering why nobody’s clicking, interacting, engaging or buying, it may be because you’re not giving them anything worthwhile, valuable or engaging to want to comment on… The best way to grow your business online is to brand yourself and to share valuable content, to connect with people authentically & build relationships. π€ I think of it like this, if you had a brick-and-mortar boutique ...
I used to think that confidence was something that you either have or don’t have. And that I wasn’t one of those people who had it. What I have learned though is that confidence is something you can develop. Having confidence is key for being successful in building your direct sales business. Have you ever thought: “if only I were more outgoing, extroverted, confident, put-together, organized, pretty or _______ – that I could be as successful as others are in direct ...