Blog How to find and attract more customers to your direct sales business

How to find and attract more customers to your direct sales business


When I joined my direct sales biz, I remember being told to write a list of 100 people & to share my business with “F.R.A.N.K.”. (friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, your kid’s friends parents).

Were you ever told that too? Or to share with anyone & everyone who breathes (or eats, cooks, wears makeup, jewelry, etc…

The problem is that “FRANK”, and everyone on the planet, is NOT your ideal customer, host or team member.

(And that’s totally ok because there are PLENTY of people out there who do actually want, need, love and can’t wait to get their hands on what you offer!)

While it’s true that we never know who might be our next best customer (or host or team member)…

Doesn’t it make sense to spend more time connecting with people who are already looking for what we offer and more likely to say YES to buying, booking or joining instead of wasting precious time talking to anyone & everyone and hoping for the best?

(Can I get an Amen👋?)

I’m glad I didn’t really listen to that advice even though my reasoning was more fear based back then.

(As an introvert and someone who, at that time, had little self-confidence, approaching friends and family was right up there with my worst nightmares.)

By focusing on creating interesting content, showcasing solutions, sharing my own passions, connecting with people & building relationships, I was able to find MORE of the right customers, hosts and team members much faster & easier…

And I also gained so much more confidence! It was easier to feel proud and excited about sharing what I had to offer because I knew I wouldn’t ever have to be “salesy” or pushy! 


I want you to know that finding all those people who do love, want, need and can’t wait to buy what you have to offer doesn’t have to be an unsolved mystery for you…

with the Branding Y.O.U. Framework that I teach:

❤ Y – (Branding) Yourself & Showing up Authentically

⭐O – Offering Your Own Unique Solutions, Style & Service

🥰 U – Using Design, Images & Content that Connects & Converts

It’s so much easier to confidently showcase who you are, what you offer and attract more of those dream customers!

Because the truth is…

When we are our own, amazing, authentic selves – we feel more confident and are more comfortable sharing our business with others. We shine a light that allows others to see how genuine & caring we are.

We are able to easily build trust & connect with people which will make them want to do business with us time & time again! 

(Don’t you agree?👋)

So how do you start Branding Y.O.U. and attracting more of those ideal customers so you can say BUH-BYE to FRANK???

👍 It all starts with shifting your mindset to seeing yourself as a CEO of your own business with a unique mission, not just as a direct sales rep for your company or as a sales person

👍 Then you need to focus on branding yourself, your passions, your personality and your solutions – not just marketing your company and the products

👍 Next, you need to make sure that you have authentic, engaging messaging, content, design, style and vibe that speaks the language of and attracts your ideal customers (both online and in person)

👍 And last, but for sure not least, when you focus on serving others, helping people, being genuine, authentic, caring and building relationships – you don’t even have to really “sell” anymore because you’ll automatically attract more customers, hosts and team members (side note – you do still have to share your content, connect and follow up consistently too of course!)


I hope that helps you understand how to start being more authentic, and to start focusing on solutions and serving your people instead of selling. 

If you would like to improve your branding, marketing, content planning & attract more of the right people to your business, you are in luck! 🍀I’ve made it easy to do just that with my Branding Y.O.U. as a Direct Seller Course & Templates!

The Course & training includes several bonuses including Canva Templates and Training plus step by step implementation plans.

It will help you create you own unique brand, understand what your customers are looking for, get focused on solutions and serving, create a marketing plan and feel more comfortable being visible and talking about your business.

Direct Sales Branding YOU Course

After completing the training and using the templates you’ll have: 

☑ your brand identity clarified and created

☑ a branding kit with a logo and matching social media images

☑ your authentic branding statement & messaging to use in your marketing & conversations

☑ your ideal client description & attraction keywords

☑ your unique solution statement & selling points

☑ a 3 step plan to attract your ideal clients

☑ hundreds of content ideas for social media, email and blogging topics that will connect with & help convert your leads

☑ all your core branding elements completed & ready to start using

☑ ready to use templates for images and graphics for your marketing

☑ more confidence to share your direct sales business with the world!

Click here to get all the details and buy the Branding Y.O.U. Course & Templates


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