Blog 5 Tips to Overcome Fears about Marketing and sharing your direct sales business with others

5 Tips to Overcome Fears about Marketing and sharing your direct sales business with others


Do you ever think that marketing your business is only difficult for you & everyone else has some special quality that makes it easier for them?

I’m here to tell you that marketing, sharing our business, putting ourselves out there is nerve-wrecking for almost all of us! (And I’m going to share some tips on how to overcome these fears.)

In fact, I just sent an email out to my list about my black friday special this afternoon & before I hit send and for about 30 minutes after I hit send, I felt nauseous, dizzy, my heart was racing and I wanted to throw up…

Ya’ll, I’ve been marketing and training and coaching for almost 15 years and I still feel those same fears more often than not.

Now I do have an anxiety disorder that probably makes this 10x worse, but I also know that FEAR is real at some degree for ALL of us, so I’m going to bet you’ve experienced something similar.

I’m also going to guess that you love your business, love your products, love helping people and you really do want to succeed…

So why is marketing and sharing your business so difficult?

Because there are risks involved and those risks bring up all kinds of fears, doubts and stories…

Risks and fears like:

  • being rejected
  • being misunderstood
  • being criticized
  • looking stupid
  • feeling like we’re not good enough
  • failing
  • fear that someone might get angry at you
  • fear about not saying the right thing
  • feeling like you don’t as pretty (or as skinny or as professional or as….) as someone else
  • feeling like you don’t have the “right” personality
  • worrying that no one will like you
  • knowing that it means we may have to get out of our comfort zones and do something even more scary (like actually hold a party, have a conversation with a customer or train a new recruit…)

Here’s what you GOTTA KNOW ABOUT FEAR:

Our brains are always trying to protect us and whenever we are about to do something that could cause us perceived (or real) harm, our brain puts on the warning signal to stop us!

And that warning signal is FEAR – a physical, chemical, nervous system reaction to get our attention and stop us from doing something that may harm us.

That’s why you might feel nauseas, your heart races, your head hurts, blood pressure goes up, chest tightens, breath quickens, you shake, etc… before you go to do a FB live, reply back to a customer, post on social media, answer that question about “what do you do for a living”, etc…

All those fears are normal. It’s a darn good thing our brain warns us before we are about to do something harmful – in a lot of situations.But sometimes that fear, those warning signals aren’t for our actual benefit…

We have to learn to recognize them, remember they are warning signals and remind our brains that we are safe and then move through the feelings instead of letting them stop us.

We can make marketing and sharing our business easier by doing these five things even when fear gets in the way:

  • stop trying to “sell” and instead focus on serving
  • get comfortable being imperfect and showing up as our best selves even when we feel afraid
  • share more solutions than promotions
  • have conversations and build relationships
  • have a plan for your branding, marketing and content that allows you to consistently & confidently show up

I’m not a genie who can magically take all your fears away…

BUT I can help make it easier for you to be visible, to feel confident sharing about your business and to create an authentic brand, marketing strategy and content plan

with my Branding Y.O.U. Course and the included bonuses and templates!

After completing the Branding Y.O.U. Course you’ll have:

 ☑ your brand identity clarified and created

  ☑ a branding kit with a logo and matching social media images

  ☑ your authentic branding statement & messaging to use in your marketing & conversations

  ☑ your ideal client description & attraction keywords

☑ your unique solution statement & selling points

  ☑ a 3 step plan to attract your ideal clients

  ☑ hundreds of content ideas for social media, email and blogging topics that will connect with & help convert your leads

  ☑ all your core branding elements completed & ready to start using

  ☑ ready to use templates for images and graphics for your marketing

  ☑ more confidence to share your direct sales business with the world!

And best of all, you can get the course, bonuses, Canva templates and tutorials for a special price right now! Click here to get all the details and grab the special offer!

What’s the biggest thing that holds you back from being visible and consistent in sharing about your business?

It’s time to stop letting fear, feelings of inadequacy, not having a content plan to follow stop you from sharing all the amazingness you & your products have to offer. 

When you focus on serving & helping others, you’ll never come across or feel like you are being pushy or salesy.

Branding Y.O.U. Course

If you would like to improve your branding, marketing, content planning & attract more of the right people to your business, you are in luck! 🍀I’ve made it easy to do just that with my Branding Y.O.U. as a Direct Seller Course & Templates!

The Course & training includes several bonuses including Canva Templates and Training plus step by step implementation plans.

It will help you create you own unique brand, understand what your customers are looking for, get focused on solutions and serving, create a marketing plan and feel more comfortable being visible and talking about your business.

Direct Sales Branding YOU Course


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