Blog How to build your direct sales business authentically on social media

How to build your direct sales business authentically on social media


😕 If you’re posting on social media all the time about your biz & wondering why nobody’s clicking, interacting, engaging or buying, it may be because you’re not giving them anything worthwhile, valuable or engaging to want to comment on…

The best way to grow your business online is to brand yourself and to share valuable content, to connect with people authentically & build relationships. 🤗

I think of it like this, if you had a brick-and-mortar boutique 🏪 or store, when someone walked in the door, you’re not going to just start throwing your sales flyers and your items at them.

On social media if you are always “buy this, check out this deal, this product is so great, look at this…” it’s just like someone walking into your store and you start throwing your products and sales flyers at them. 😳

❤️ A simple way to help make sure you are being authentic and sharing at least 80% authentic content is to follow my simple acrostic below.

In order to RAISE your results on social media-Your content should be:

👍 Relatable

👍 Authentic

👍 Inspirational

👍 Solution Focused

👍 Educational & Engaging

📱You can still share about your business & what you offer in all your content, just make it authentic!

How can you do that?

✔️ Sharing about your own experience using the products, working your business, going to events, team meetings, thanking your customers, highlighting your hosts, celebrating your team, excitement over new products & catalogs…

✔️ Tips, tutorials, product benefits, customer testimonials, Q & A’s, answer FAQ’s, share the solutions your products provide, who they help, how they help, what they make better…

✔️ Sharing motivational and inspirational stories, quotes, content, encouragement.

✔️ Ask questions, engage with your people and create a real connection.

✔️ Be yourself, have conversations and talk to your fb friends, your page fans and group members like they are real people you care about.

⭐ What % of your social media content follows the RAISE standards? Take a look at your posts over the past few weeks from the eyes of a new or potential customer – how much of it builds a connection, shares value & creates conversations?

⭐What will you do going forward to stay focused on creating & sharing more content that will RAISE your connection, showcase your experience, share solutions, help your people and connect authentically?

Keep showing up and helping people & you’ll attract all you need!

Ready to improve your marketing, branding & visibility in your direct sales business?Grab my Branding Y.O.U. as a Direct Seller Course & Templates here!

Direct Sales Branding YOU Course


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