Customer Follow Up Training & Systems

They say the fortune is in the follow-up...


I'm sure you know how important it is to follow up with your leads, customers, hosts & team members for your direct sales business to grow...

So why is following up so difficult???

You want your direct sales business to thrive but when it comes to following up:

☹️ You often put off following up because you aren't sure what exactly to say

☹️ You are afraid of being pushy, spammy or salesy

☹️ You don't want to bother anyone or make anyone mad or upset

☹️ You can't keep track of your leads and who, when and how to follow up

☹️ You sometimes wait too long to follow up and feel embarrassed it's been so long

☹️ You don't feel confident holding parties, team building or answering questions which causes you to procrastinate

☹️ You don't have a system in place to track your contacts and communication

☹️ Your schedule is all over the place and you struggle with time management

Misty KearnsHey friend! I'm Misty Kearns, an introvert, systems & organization wizard, and obsessive fan of The Office. I'm also a former top leader in direct sales who totally understands the struggles you have with following up.

Even if you aren't an introvert, it can still be difficult to put yourself out there, pick up that phone, reply to that message and risk being told no or being put in an uncomfortable situation.

In order to overcome my fears of following up, I had to work on my mindset and learn what to say and how to say it.  Then I had to figure out a simple system for tracking my leads and following up.

Here's what I learned that helped me become confident and efficient with following up:

  1. Following up effectively starts with your mindset about your business and helping others.

  2. It gets easier when you feel confident about your word choices.

  3. It becomes a piece of cake when you implement a system for managing and tracking your communication.

You can improve your confidence & systems for following up with my training & template!

Direct Sales Customer Follow Up Workshop + Templates

Here's what you will get with this training:

This training class will help you improve your mindset and overcome fears about following up, learn effective and non-spammy word choices and implement a simple system for tracking & staying on top of your contacts.

You'll also get access to a printable Customer Info & Follow Up sheet AND a sample Google Drive Spreadsheet Template for creating your own Customer Care & Follow Up Tracking Database

💻 Training Video & Notes from the Slide Deck

📝 Printable Customer Info & Follow Up Tracking Sheet

🖥️ Google Drive Spreadsheet Template to Copy & Use

📋 Sample Authentic Word Choices for Following Up

3 Reasons Why You Need This Training Now:

Direct Sales Customer Follow Up

1. Having a simple system for following up will help increase your results because you'll be more consistent with following up and knowing who, what and when to follow up with.

2. Building the right mindset and knowing what to say when following up will improve your confidence and make it easier for you to follow up as often as you should

3. Your customers, hosts and potential team members will be thrilled to hear from you when you use these strategies which will make you want to follow up and get better results when you do!

What others have to say about this training:

"I have always struggled with following up and put it off until it's been so long that I feel bad and don't ever follow up at all. I have always been afraid of not knowing what to say or bothering people. After watching this class, I feel excited to start giving better customer care and growing my business." - Shanae R.

"This training what more than I expected it to be. I thought I would be learning a lot of word choices and organization tips to help me with customer care. I did learn those things but the most amazing knowledge I gained was about mindset. I realized I have not been giving my best or showing up with integrity in my customer connections because of fear. It has completely changed my thoughts about following up and helped me be more confident when I talk with customers and potential customers too. I'm very grateful I took this training." - Sarah C.

"The Spreadsheet template is amazing!  I have tried various apps and other follow up methods, but love how easy and simple it is to manage my leads and customers, their info and how and when I need to contact them with Misty's spreadsheet! Thanks so much for sharing it with us Misty!" - Candice K.

Buy Now for only $27  ONLY $20 usd

+ Customer Care & Following Training Class & Notes

+ Printable Customer Info & Follow Up Tracking Sheet

+ Authentic Word Choices & Scripts for Following Up

BONUS Follow Up Google Drive Spreadsheet Template

Customer Follow Up Workshop Preview

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